Ovoko Mobile App

Instantly get information about potential value and stock levels of your car parts. Take a picture of any visible part code and we’ll help you make educated inventory decisions.

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How it works?

Take a picture of a part code

Use the app to take a photo of any visible part code.

Get part information instantly

See how many similar items are listed on Ovoko and their median price.


Choose to either craete a part in your Ovoko Partner account, or discard it.


AI powered code recognition

Part codes are read automatically using Ovoko AI tools and years of expertise in the used vehicle parts business. 

Stock information

Use current Ovoko stock levels and the median price to decide if you need to keep certain parts in your warehouse.

Sell directly to remanufacturers

Get offers to sell overstocked parts directly to parts remanufacturers.

Easy warehousing

Label and warehouse your parts immediately after you decide to add them to your inventory.

Frequently asked questions

All Ovoko Partners have access to the mobile app. Download it for through Google Play or App Store, enter your partner credentials to start using it immediately.

Not a partner? Start working with us!

Ovoko Scan & Sell app supports the latest two major versions of iOS and Adroid operating systems.

Yes! Partners who use Ovoko printer hub solution can enable automatic label printing within the app by navigation to  Settings > Printing Settings. Printer hub users also have access to label pre-printing functionality.

Reach out to us if you want to setup hub printing for your account.

Part labels generated with this functionality allow you to add them to your part before even taking a first photo.

Once you attach pre-printed labels to your parts you can quickly pair them with the real parts by just hovering the app camera window on your pre-generated part labels.

You need to use Ovoko cloud printing to access this functionality. Get in touch with your Ovoko representative or send an email to [email protected] to setup your cloud printing.

We’ve partnered with part remanufacturers to offer you an ability to sell overstocked items directly to them.

These offers are visible when part remanufacturers identify specific codes that they want to buy from our sellers in large quantities. Offers are limited in time and the amount of parts that buyers are willing to buy.

Ovoko representative will reach out to you directly, once you accept a certain number of “Sell now” offers to organize the payment and collection of the items.

Ability to fully photograph the part is coming soon.